What is most depressing to me is when friends, whom I know are educated, support the damage being done by lockdowns and restrictions. What is more disturbing is that they will not even read the dissenting opinions against the medical strategy to deal with Covid-19.

Here is a conversation I had over a friendship site with an obviously educated person. I had sent this person a link to one of my recent blogs. https://baltimorearrow.blogspot.com/2022/01/covid-19-chance-to-rid-world-of.html

Here is his initial response:

 I am sorry, but I refuse to buy this "medical dictatorship" bullshit. I am an educator. While I'm in the Humanities, I have reached out to colleagues in Biology and Health Sciences. They provided all the information I needed. You may want to watch PBS's "Influenza 1918". History has a lot to teach us.

I responded:

I appreciate what you are saying totally. It is exactly what I used to believe. Here is a minuscule part of the research that I have done that has opened my mind to dissenting opinion. I know it is a lot to read. But it is small compared to what I have research. My background is social psychology. Yup...we are the guys that research almost everything. My post are based always on research and reports from reliable sources. Do you want to go through them. Have a look at the minuscule portion of my research. 

 By the way, I saw the PBS special. It had a lot to teach us about H1N1, but little to nothing to teach us about Covid-19 or other SARS viruses. If you do the reading of a bit of my research and recognize that they are not conspiracy sites, you might at least start thinking about what the dissenting opinions are saying. It took me a long time and lots of research before I would post anything like what I posted. However, I am not saying the dissenting opinions are totally correct, but there seems to be a lot of true information about the damage caused by the lockdowns and restrictions. ...[I included links to about 30 articles from scientific journals, reliable media, NGOs, and NFP organizations.]

He remarked in response, way too soon to be able to even take a superficial look at the reference links:

I have a curious mind and I have actively explored all "dissenting opinions". While it is not good for human beings to keep apart from each other, Boccaccio's Decameron teaches us that smart people had already figured out in 1348 that the best way to survive during a pandemic was physical distance. I respect your views. Feel free to try and impose them on me, but that will take you nowhere.

Even though he has allowed himself to be totally brainwashed and he will remain that way,  I sent him this message in response.

No problem at all. I am a retired educator as well. I know that no issue is black or white, as I am certain you know. Since I taught social sciences, I constantly had to review all the research on everything. You know as an educator that knowledge changes as we continue to study everything imaginable. Experts on both side of a question can make mistakes. For example, the Y2K catastrophe that did not happen was predicted by the majority of computer science experts. The 1976 swine vaccine fiasco was thought by medical experts to be preventive and necessary medicine. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200918-the-fiasco-of-the-us-swine-flu-affair-of-1976 Unfortunately most disciplines, including medicine, computer science, engineering, virology, social psychology, etc are more art than science. They can get things wrong, but they are then reticent to backtrack. As an educator, I am certain you know this. You have made your decisions based on the information that you trust. I am certain that even Boccaccio knew that if the cure is worse than the disease, then it is time to rethink the approach to the illness. Unless you believe that the BMJ, BBC, London Sunday Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, New York Times, the Globe and Mail, Oxfam, the Red Cross, the Cancer Society, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Liver Foundation, the Kidney Foundation, the Lung Association, UNESCO and many other relable sources reporting that more damage is being done by the medical approach to Covid 19 ARE CONSPIRACY SITES, then you should at least allow for the possibility that the medical world got it seriously wrong and continue to get it seriouly wrong. However, you, just like everyone, has the right to believe whatever makes you feel safe. Just know that this medical approach has led to the deaths of an additional 100,000,000 PERSONS by starvation in developing countries because of the financial collapse of the Food Chain. Well, if you do not accept this fact, than either OXFAM, the Red Cross, and UNESCO are conspiracy promoters or you agree with the medical world --THIS IS COLLATERAL DAMAGE.

I do not think my online acquaintance will allow himself to even consider the medical world has made a mistake. It is best for me to let him continue to believe what he wants.

Collective Hysteria and Group Think are part of the human conditions. Here is an example of what happened when this conditions affected one group of experts. The Year 2000 problem, also known as the Y2K problem, Millennium bug, Y2K bug, Y2K glitch or Y2K error, refers to potential computer errors related to the formatting and storage of calendar data for dates in and after the year 2000. The experts were affected by the fear that the very systems they set up to run society, power systems, health care systems, business systems education sytems, etc, would all collapse because of an inability to handle the numerical jump from 1999 to 2000 because of the dependence on a 2 digit numerical coding. Computer experts came up with a fix that cost roughly 225 million worldwide. They were caught up in the fear of impending doom (Collective Hysteria) if all computer systems failed, and they all agreed on a solution (Group Think)which costs roughly 225 billion worldwide in 1999 dollars.Not all computer experts agreed. Many countries did nothing really to deal with Y2K. A lot of computer geeks set their personal computers ahead to January 1 2000 and found that they continued to work as suspected. So was the Y2K a real threat, were the repairs necessary? Now, looking back, more of the general population feel it was a Hoax.

Medical experts are not immune to Collective Hysteria and Group Think. The 1976 Swine flu pandemic ended in the Swine flu Vaccine fiasco. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200918-the-fiasco-of-the-us-swine-flu-affair-of-1976

Medical experts are steeped in a hysterical obsession with Covid-19. They see defeating Covid-19 as the only way to protect human health. Their Group Think is preventing them from realizing that Human Health is not just surviving one illness. 

Human Health consists of Social, Psychological, Political, Spiritual, Cognitive, Financial, and Physical Health. They have failed to protect any of these facets of Human Health. 

Sacrificing heart and stroke patients; cancer patients; lung, kidney, and liver patients; HIV/AIDS patients; and other patients to treat Covid-19 does nothing for human health. 

Social isolation leading to increased deaths by suicide and by domestic violence does nothing for Social Health.

Separating people from one another for long periods leads to depression. Promoting a propaganda of fearmongering to make Covid-19 the world's sole concern leads to anxiety. None of this protects our psychological health.

Preventing people from gathering in churches or meeting rooms, stopping them from experiencing their spirituality -- How is this protecting their spirituality. How is this protecting Spiritual Health.

 Closing educational institutions and censoring any dissenting opinions taking exception to the lockdowns and restrictions imposed on the broader population -- this is preventing democratic human communications -- How is this protecting Cognitive Health?

Lockdowns, border closings, restrictions cause horrendous financial hardship -- loss of work, loss of livelihood, increase in homelessness. How is this protecting our Financial Health?

The financial collapse led to the collapse of transportation and thus the collapse of the food chain. According to OXFAM, an additional 100,000,000 persons died of starvation in developing countries unable to have food shipped to them. How is this protecting any kind of Human Physical Health? 

Is the medical world blind to their failures or afraid to admit the damage they have called for fear of facing the legal consequences of their ill-conceived Covid-19 plan.



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