To deal with the Covid 19 outbreak, most governments turned over the running of their countries to their medical system who mandated lock downs, quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing, generally breaking down the social nature of humanity.


However, at least, one country Sweden whose medical system is rated among the best medical systems in the world






took a softer, called a “common sense” approach to Covid 19. Sweden encouraged healthy behaviour, but virtually, did not impose lock downs, social distancing, self-isolation, quarantines, etc.


Sweden’s approach was called “laxed” and Sweden was named the “de Facto Control” group and the rest of the world’s restrictive approach was called the “Covid 19 Experimental Group.”




The purpose of the restrictive approach of most of the world was to reduce the spread of Covid 19; that is, to lower the rate of infection.


Well now let us have a look at how Sweden, with a laxed approach, compares to countries with the very restrictive approach.


Sweden ranks 38th in rate of infections when compared to other countries in the world. Sweden ranks 13th  in death rate, but to put this in perspective, countries who imposed the strictest of lock downs and restrictions, that is, Spain, UK, and Italy -- rank 5th, 10th, and 12th respectively.


In addition NOW the mortality rate of Covid 19 has been estimated to be 2% to as low as 0.28%.


“For comparison, the case fatality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%.”






In addition to faring as well as or better than countries who imposed so many health restrictions, Swedes have not had to suffer the many horrific negative consequences of the Covid 19 restrictions and over reactions that other countries have.




Economically, Sweden did much better than countries who imposed Covid 19 restrictions.


“The nation's GDP fell 8.6% during the three-month period ending in June, according to preliminary figures from Statistics Sweden. Yet, Sweden's economic output declined at a lower rate than that of many other European countries.




“The flash estimate from the Swedish statistics office indicated that the country had fared better than other EU nations which took stricter measures...The European Union saw a contraction of 11.9% for the same period.

Individual nations did even worse, with Spain seeing an 18.5% contraction, while the French and Italian economies shrank by 13.8% and 12.4% respectively.”




So if Sweden is the control group, I believe that the Swedish approach to Covid 19 actually was much better than the Covid 19 restrictive approach of much of the world. The High-Restriction approach has in effect destroyed 7.5 billion human beings, financially, socially, psychologically, and has resulted in as much as 100,000,000 additional deaths, not from Covid 19, but from neglected cancer, heart and stroke, kidney, lung, HIV/AIDS patients and increased deaths from starvation caused by the collapse of transportation systems in some developing nations caused by the world wide financial collapse resulting from Covid 19 restrictions.


Plus, there is no proof at all that the restrictive approach prevented infections rates any better than the more humane approach of Sweden.


"It feels good. I mean, finally, we are where we hoped we would be much earlier on," says Anders Tegnell, the state epidemiologist leading the strategy. He's admitted too many have died, especially in Swedish care homes. But he believes there is still "no strong evidence that a lock down would have made that much of a difference".




Covid 19 propagandist hate Sweden because Sweden’s laxed approach has been as successful and far less damaging than the frenzied, ill advised medical overreaction advocated by the propagandist and imposed on most of the world.


So much hysterical world self-destruction should be a strong lesson. We cannot let the Medical Establishment take charge of the world again.


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