Self-Destruction of the World by Covid 19 Restrictions

I have become very frustrated by the world's self-destructive approach to Corona Flu (Covid 19).

My background is in the social sciences -- my specialty was research methods and analysis. I have done much research and analysis of the incredibly negative consequences of what seems to be a collective hysteria around this particular flu (Covid 19). The statistics concerning rate of infections per country around the world does not support the effectiveness nor necessity of the lock downs, self-isolation, quarantine, and punitive social distancing."

However, statistics do support that our ill-thought-out approach has and continues to cause the following catastrophes:


domestic violence and suicide rates have increased significantly

health experts are warning of a mental disorder pandemic

unemployment is steadily rising to rates not seen for many decades

individuals and families are threatened with losing their livelihoods, their homes, their security

As part of Covid 19 restrictions, homeless shelters have been closed in at least North American and European countries, so now the homeless live in crowded tent cities or on the streets of a city.

starvation in the developing world is growing because of the collapse of transportation systems

financial analyst are now saying that economic recovery may take a decade (comparing to the depression starting in 1929)

government debt will be totally out of control, leading to the cutting of essential services in the future.

small business bankruptcies are on the increase, decreasing competition and thus increasing monopolies

one of the worse effects is the additional deaths of not only cancer patients, but also those suffering from lung disease, kidney disease, HIV/AIDS,etc because our medical systems have geared themselves to deal with flu symptoms.


The insanity surrounding Corona virus is killing people -- physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, and no one can say how many, if any, have been saved by our "non common sense" approach to what amount to a seasonal flu (Covid 19).

As an example, the UK (the only country which seems to care about illnesses other than Covid 19) has statistics which estimate 3.5 million cancer patients will die world wide because the world medical systems have been re-engineered to deal with flu symptoms and has neglected, not only cancer patients, but a host of others facing death and suffering.

I firmly believe that the world is causing far more destruction to itself than any benefit that may result from this obsession with Corona Flu (Covid 19).

I have noticed recently that a small chorus of medical pandemic and infectious disease experts are beginning to say that our approach was too harsh and no more effective than a more humane less all-pervasive approach to lowering the rate of infection. It is heartening for me that some expert are recovering from the Collective hysteria that is the real disease plaguing the world.



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