NCL Cruise -- Never Again

We are in day 8 of a 12-day cruise. This is our third incredibly disappointing NCL cruise in a row. NCL used to be the friendliest of all cruise lines. I am at the Platinum level, and I just want to get this horrible cruise over. I recommend that no one ever take an NCL cruise. I will describe a number of reasons for my recommendation by discussing Guest Services; dining; excursions, beverage, food, and internet packages; entertainment; serving staff, and our cabin.


The test of a cruise line is not how it treats passengers when things are going well, but the true test is how it deals with passengers when they are having problems. The NCL Star fails this test dismally. Here are our two examples:

Finally, after 7 days of two major problems and minor problems, my partner and I had decided enough was enough. It was an absolutely horrible day. My partner and I decided to have NCL correct the two main problems we had (there are many smaller, irritating ones which I will describe below). One major concern was that since the first evening of the cruise, an unsecured release handle banged around all night whenever the ship was moving, causing a noise which kept us up all night, and frankly we are suffering sleep deprivation. On two different occasions, we had already pointed out from our cabin window the unsecured handle to two different supervisors over the time of the cruise so far, Nothing was done to correct the difficulty. However, every two days, guest services would call to tell us the noise problem had been corrected, and we would tell them that it had not. On day 7, a very rude guest services person called to say that yet again the issue had been resolved and accused me of lying about the problem. He said that we had just reported the noise one day ago and denied that we had reported it about 6 days earlier. We had had enough and went to the Guest Services reception desk again as we had done at least 3 times before, this time demanding to speak to the manager, who finally sent up another supervisor from deck/housekeeping to see what was causing the noise. First of all, he and 2 crewmen went to the wrong cabin, the one next to ours, but I was waiting in the hall and had to convince him that it was our cabin he was supposed to check. He actually laughed when we told him about our noise issue. His laugh upset me and I raised my voice, and he shouted to me to relax. When they went outside the cabin to inspect the handle, the supervisor and his crewman actually were hit in the head by the unsecured handle, yer they walked by it. My partner banged on the window of our cabin and still had to point it out to the supervisor and crew where the unsecured handle was. At any rate, with my partner's direction, they finally found the problem and tied the handle down.

We insisted on having a meeting with the repair crew manager and told him about the laughter and the incompetent way his staff handled our difficulty throughout the 7 days of the cruise. The manager really did not seem to care in the least.

We also met with the Manager of Guest Services and insist he make the rude guest services caller take customer service courses. Again, the manager just did not care.

The other major concern was the scheduling of our return flight. We paid NCL to schedule our return flight but NCL kept putting off our requests for confirming the return flight to Toronto. However, on day 7 we would not leave Guest Services until the flight information was resolved. Again, a lot of unpleasant and rude responses from the staff who are supposed to help passengers. Without our stressful insistence, the problems would not have been resolved. However, they have refused to send us written confirmation.

We asked to see the General Manager to discuss with them the poor customer service skills manifested by his staff. So far, we have not been given an appointment to see the Manager. I doubt if Management cares either, and their lack of caring is reflected in the poor treatment by their staff of passengers who face difficulties.

It is obvious to me that all staff need customer service training. Further, it is apparent that the NCL Star is run by a policy/protocol management strategy, not a passenger-centered approach. Passengers are not a priority of NCL's management style.


Horizon Court

The Horizon is a sprawling buffet on deck 12 of the NCL Star. It does not have enough seats to accommodate passengers during the main meal times, so passengers spend time wandering around the Court trying to find an empty table and fight for one as the tables become free.

The food area is filled with a mixture of many entrees, all of which look and taste like a mixture of hashes. Overall, the Horizon Court is a cross between a high school cafeteria and a prison food hall.

There are few and all very unappetizing salads. The desserts are basically tasteless. The bread is good if it happens to be fresh. The best part of the food line is the soft ice cream.

The water and ice dispensers are digital and work intermittently. In fact, the ice dispensers have not worked since the beginning of the cruise. Finally, on day 6, in recognition of the lack of ice. The Horizon Court manager finally had bowls of ice put out, so the passengers could finally have ice.

Specialty Dining Restaurants

The food in the specialty restaurants are slightly better than mediocre. Certainly, the meals are not worth the minimum of $60 US per passenger. This price excludes wine, alcohol, or soft drinks.

Complimentary Restaurants

The food served in the complimentary restaurants is on par with the specialty restaurants and are the better option for dining instead of the Horizon Court or the Specialty Dining Restaurants.


The cost of any excursions run by NCL is exorbitant. Most local tours are 25% to 50% of NCL prices. In addition, local reputable tour companies will guarantee that they will return you to the ship on time. Local excursions can be booked online ahead of the cruise.


As with excursions, the cost of packages are exorbitant. Food and beverage packages are about twice what I have seen on other cruise lines.

The internet package costs 7 time as much as a comparable package that I purchased on a Princess cruise just 4 weeks ago.


Most of the entertainers are fair at best; however, one group is outstanding - Three V Strings. They play all types of musics. Other than this group, the entertainment was not memorable.


Unlike Guest Services and the various unpleasant supervisors we had to deal with, the serving staff are great guest services ambassadors. They are kind, friendly, and incredibly helpful. If those in management and guest services manifested even 50% of the skills the serving staff have, a voyage on the NCL Star might be bearable,


We were put in a horrible cabin 8608, we are awakened most mornings by the lowering of tenders. Most of the ports are tendered, despite the fact there are docking facilities for cruise ships. I suspect that NCL is saving money by not using the docks. When there are so many tendered ports, our cabin 8608 and surrounding cabins should not be sold to passengers.


I would not recommend that anyone take a cruise with NCL

 NCL -- never again.


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