With the possible exception of my home country Canada, in Europe and Industrial North America, Covid- 19 has lost its scare factor as now 99.8% of cases are mild or asymptomatic whether a person is vaccinated or not.  In addition, the current death rate is less than 0.2% although the two-year rate, including the early times, is 1%. So Covid-19 is no longer good at scaring the POOP out of people. Nor is it good marketing for expensive Pharmaceutical vaccines.

Well, the medical establishment is resourceful. Scared people are malleable people, making money for big Pharma and Big Medicine, so up pops Monkeypox, endemic mainly to Central and West Africa. Oh my God, it has arrived in countries in which it is not endemic. In a world of 7.5 billion, there are less than 33,000 cases. Scary or what!  Monkeypox statistics

Some countries are pushing for widespread vaccinations. According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the main ways of spreading Monkeypox is international travel, which has increased geometrically since doctors lost the power to lock us in our homes. Stay away from rubbing oozing rashes on people or animals, and you are probably safe from Monkeypox. Also, the CDC is not recommending vaccination against Monkeypox. Mayo Clinic

Not statistically significant I know, I have an older friend who got the Monkey Pox vaccine. He went to a swingers party (heterosexual, if that information matters to you) about 3 weeks after he had been vaccinated. He has Monkeypox and has been told by his doctor that he will have the symptomatic rashes for about 4 weeks.

So Monkeypox and vaccinating will be quickly waning as the source of health paranoia except in the most vulnerable brains. 

Medical world do not despair -- there are other threats!!!!!

So how about polio!!! Canada is monitoring wastewater for an expected outbreak of polio (hoped for by the medical establishment). Another boon to big Pharma vaccination money. 

People might stay at home with a mask on and follow your God-like medical advice. Just tell them -- 

If they go for a walk in a park, there is a chance of having a tick attached to them, and they can get Lyme disease, a very nasty condition which is not always totally treatable.

Tell them, that if they get a cut in other than a totally antiseptic environment, they can contract necrotizing fasciitis guaranteed to make them lose a limb or more likely their lives.

If they catch the flu, it can progress to viral pneumonia — a high death rate (5 to 10%).

People who get Hepatitis A can see the illness morph into Guillaume Barre Syndrome, fatal in usually 48 hours. It is often misdiagnosed by hospitals and thus the patients die. If you suspect you have it, Go to Western Hospital in London, Ontario.  A patient with full Hepatitis vaccination went through this. He was in the hospital for 6 weeks and spent that time progressing from not being able to get out of his bed (paralysis) to a wheelchair, to a walker, and finally, physio to learn how to walk again.

Living is not for the faint of heart. Disease, insects, accidents (car, plane, bus, bicycle, pedestrians), serial killers, psychopaths, terrorists, hysterical doctors, etc, etc, etc are intent on ending our lives. Okay, so it is up to you to decide how you live your life.

Hope for the thoughtful and intelligent!

We all have a choice in life — face it like Sweden did without punishing totalitarian enforced restrictions and lockdowns throughout COVID-19. They fared better than 90% of the European countries that had complete lockdowns, including the UK, Italy, Spain, France, Germany and so forth.

I have always made the Swedish choice, and I am 75. Yes, I got the B variant and yes, I was vaccinated. It was free, and I am a sucker for anything paid for by someone else.


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