The medical world blew it with Covid-19 and still stand by their catastrophic restrictions and lockdowns. Some estimates put non-Covid-19 deaths caused by the lockdowns and restrictions at about 300 million since the beginning of medical intervention. Where do these numbers come from?  -- Oxfam and Red Cross have estimated an additional 180 million died of starvation because of the financial collapse of the economy caused by lockdowns, resulting in the disruption of the food chain in developing countries.

The Cancer Society and studies in the UK and published in the BMJ, indicate in 2020 alone, 3.5 million additional deaths of cancer patients because of their neglect by the medical establishment. Details of additional deaths of Heart and Stroke, Liver, Lung, Kidney, and other patients are less easily available.

The mental health pandemic, caused by isolation, is worldwide. Some psychologists are blaming increased domestic violence and other acts of aggression on social isolation. 

What government or media has not reported the loss of jobs, homes, livelihoods, dignity, caused by the callous response of doctors to all basic human needs?

Sweden, a  country much maligned by the unenlightened medical establishment, ranks 57 in deaths per million by Covid 19. They did not have harsh lockdowns and restrictions nor the horrible consequences of imposing them, consequences suffered by most of the rest of the world; yet they fared better than most of the countries in the world who had full lockdown and restrictions.

Today, 99.9% of verified cases worldwide are mild. At the height of the "pandemic" 99.4% of verified cases were mild. The overall death rate from Covid-19 is now pegged at 1%

Despite all the precautions, the restrictions, lockdowns, we find ourselves in a sixth wave. Yet, the medical world strives for more of the same. There is a statement attributed to Albert Einstein, (not sure whether he said it, but it applies over the past two years) Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” 

So who is easing the health effects of Covid 19. The virus itself is. The goal of most viruses is to be more contagious, but also to survive. If the host dies, the virus cannot be spread as easily and dies itself The Omicron variants are trying to survive. 

The medical world has to stop their hysterical obsession with Covid-19 and break the pattern of group think.                  

The Spanish flu, far worse of a REAL pandemic, is still with us, (50 million died in a world of 1.8 billion/ 6 million have died of Covid 19 in a world of 7,5 billion in two years -- During the pandemic 2 years, about 36-40 million died of Heart and Stroke, while 18 to 22 million died of Cancer -- Maybe doctors need statistic courses) but the variants are usually not as harmful as it was, just more contagious --N1H1 are among the Spanish flu variants. Should the world have remained in restrictions for 103 years because of the Spanish flu variants??? What kind of world would we have had? 

Time to give up the spotlight oh mighty doctors and physicians. YOU HAVE HAD YOUR PYRRHIC VICTORY -- LET THE WORLD HEAL FROM THE WOUNDS YOU CAUSED US.

 My background is Social Psychology research. When I returned from Bali in March 2020, I fully supported the medical world. However, I began to doubt the approach when criticism of the Ferguson projections became wide spread. The OXFAM, Cancer Society projections in May 2020. Reports that dissenting doctors were being threatened with removal of their licenses -- published even in the Pro Lockdown media.

Again, Sweden, who saved my life and charged me $400 CND and are often rated as among the top three medical systems in the world, used a common sense approach, rejecting the damaging social isolation, restrictions, and lockdowns.

I am ashamed to say that my home country Canada, "When ranked against its OECD contemporaries, Canada currently comes fourth last in terms of intensive care beds available per capita.”

Medical Group Think.

It has been two years of denying medical attention to cancer, heart and stroke, lung, HIV/AIDS patients, etc. Not because of Covid-19, but because of Canada’s disgraceful hospital bed capacity and a collective medical hysteria.

Finally, I had six friend dies of heart failure within a week of the cancellation of their life-saving heart surgery because of Covid 19 restrictions. 

In similar fashion, four friends died of cancer because their surgeries were postponed 4 to 6 months. The cancers metastasized. They have all passed away thanks to medical hysteria.

 I had to wait 10 months for a biopsy and gastroscopy. Luckily for me, I only had cell damage which should have been treated, but no cancer. Now I have a precancerous condition which is being treated by medication and a yearly gastroscopy.

A young friend, lost his job because of the lockdowns, got depressed, saw no end to the lockdowns, landed outside our bedroom window. The EMS worked on him so hard. I could not stop watching what they were doing.My friend's suicide was successfully caused by Covid-19 social isolation.

I am quite tired of having to tell the many who are apathetic and propagandized  that the medical world was wrong. These  people are  hopeless, ineffective human beings. I am certain that they believe that the WEST is really standing with Ukraine
, instead of the  truth.  The West is just watching thousands of Ukrainians die, just as doctors callously stood by and watched the millions of starving, cancer patients, heart and stroke, and other patients die because of damaging medical strategies.

I have lost many friends who did not necessarily disagree with the statistics about the damage the medical world did to deal with Covid. 

 However, they see all this medical ravaging of the world as collateral damage.



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