Roman Baber is the Member of Provincial Parliament for the Riding of York Centre, Toronto


Two steps forward one step back. Despite inflammatory language from Justin Trudeau in an attempt to distract Canadians, we are winning on science and several Canadian provinces are dropping restrictions. 

The tone and rhetoric from the Prime Minister [JUSTIN TRUDEAU] is outright vicious. My family suffered immensely from the Holocaust, but I do not fear or focus on a handful of idiots. I support the Truckers’ right to peaceful protest and their ability to earn a living. Justin Trudeau is spreading hate to distract from the catastrophe caused by his pandemic response. As the federal government creates unprecedented division, it’s essential that all sides keep the law, keep the peace and the Canadian spirit of love and inclusivity.

The Truckers came for Trudeau’s job but instead they got Erin O’Toole’s. That is because leaders should not be talking out of both sides of their mouths. Canada's pandemic response resulted in catastrophic collateral damage to millions of Canadians. A sizeable minority is facing 21st century segregation. Party leaders must be unequivocal in their condemnation of government overreach and have courage to stand up for all Canadians, even when it’s unpopular.

Last week, Johns Hopkins University released a pre-print meta-analysis of 34 studies regarding the effect of lockdowns on Covid mortality (Lockdowns only reduced COVID deaths by 0.2 per cent, Johns Hopkins study finds | National Post). The meta-analysis suggested that lockdowns reduced mortality by only 0.2%. This is a negligible and statistically insignificant factor compared to the collateral harm of lockdowns. 

On Thursday, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Moore, conceded that “two doses of the vaccine offer minimal protection against infection”. This is very important. Proponents of passports and mandates argue that vaccinated individuals are less likely to transmit because their own risk of infection is lower. Now that it is admitted that the vaccine does not reduce the risk of infection, statistically, a vaccinated individual is just as likely to transmit as an unvaccinated individual. Any argument that a vaccinated individual “is keeping others safe” because their own risk of contraction is reduced is off the table. While one may be in favour of voluntary vaccination, there is no rhyme or reason to insist that workers, nurses, truckers, students or anyone else get vaccinated to keep others safe.

After two years, Dr. Moore finally admitted that we cannot eliminate all risk and that we must learn to live with the virus. I was astonished to hear Dr. Moore say that “our response must be balanced against the physical, mental, social and economic harms.” This is precisely what I have been saying for two years privately and over one year publicly.  Please see the links to my social media posts on Moore's admission, share and follow me at the same time (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). Factor in the Johns Hopkins meta-analysis (0.2% reduced mortality), there is no shred of doubt that “lockdowns are deadlier than covid”.

This is a difficult and volatile time in our province and country, but we must remain peaceful and resolute against the catastrophic actions of our provincial and federal governments. Do not fall for distractions - focus on science and persuasion. According to Angus Reid 54% of Canadians oppose any further pandemic restrictions (majority of Canadians want covid19 restrictions to end). Let their voice be heard and politicians will follow.

We are now running ads against lockdowns and school closures in almost every radio market in Ontario – it’s great for Ontarians to hear our perspective on mainstream media. If you live in Ontario, please help our efforts by donating to my independent constituency association. It is registered with Election Ontario and you will receive a tax credit. 

We are searching for experienced political communications professionals.  If you have experience, leading or assisting in political communications/media, please drop us a line at

Let's keep working - there is a light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.

Yours very truly,
Roman Baber



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