I have lost 9 friends because of negligence by the medical world. Six died of heart failure when Covid-19 doctors cancelled their life-saving surgery. Two died after their cancer metastasized because their surgeries to remove malignant tumours were postponed  4 months by Covid-19 doctors. A young friend committed suicide after he lost his job and suffered severe depression as Toronto kept its citizens in a 7-month lockdown demanded by Covid-19 doctors. I still do not understand why Covid-19 patients who have a 99.7% chance of survival without treatment are more important than Cancer or heart and stroke patient who have a 0% chance of survival without treatment. However, that priority was set by a Covid-19 medical oligarchy, because they chose to ignore the deaths they were causing. I grieve for my friends and the over 200,000,000 non-Covid-19 victims, killed by Covid-19 doctors.

British Medical Journal

Frontiers in Psychology

The Economist

Frontiers in Psychology


Those of you familiar with my blogs know that the majority of them present information which demonstrates that the damage the medical establishment is doing to the world is far greater than any benefit accrued by their strategy of lockdowns, restrictions, and negligence of non-covid-19 patients.  It is clear to me that doctors do not understand the meaning of human health; they consider just physical health. But, as I have said before, human health has many facets -- psychological, social, financial, spiritual for example -- which doctors are either ignorant of or decided to ignore.

I very strongly feel that this knowledge of the avoidable medical damage, censored by many well-known media, professional groups, financial interest, must be spread to the world population by all means possible. Of course, I have circulated this information to friends.

My big disappointment is that some of my friends have reacted angrily, almost violently, to my post and have walked away from our friendship. They do not even try to attack the material I present from scientific journals, reputable media, respected NGOs and NFP organizations -- instead, they unleash their anger against me personally, not the blogs themselves. I have been called an idiot, unempathetic, appalling, and other colourful things I would not print in a blog. These arguments ad hominem do really hurt me because I am writing what I think needs to be known or, at least, considered by everyone.

A social scientist friend told me (after reading my blogs and the responses of some of my friends) that he feels their anger comes out of feeling their safe assumptions about authority have been shaken by what I am writing. He considers their anger toward me an ego-defensive response. He asserts that people have learned to consider doctors almost god-like because of their ability to save or lose life. My blogs are upsetting their mindset that those in authority, especially doctors, always have their best interests at heart. My blogs are attacking that trusting view. The fear information deluged upon them by the media, government, and the medical world strengthens their resolve not to accept the dissenting views about the current Covid-19 strategy. He further states that I am presenting evidence from other authority figures that what is going on is causing more pain than good. It is a dilemma they are not prepared to deal with. They cannot attack any authority figures, but they can attack me quite easily.

I do not know if he is right in what he is suggesting. However, it does make me feel better, maybe defending my ego.

Most of my friends though have had more thoughtful responses to what I have written. They know how passionate I can be about situations where I feel those in power are doing terrible damage to the population at large. They may not all agree with me, but they will respond to the material I have written, not attack me as the person who has done the writing. They also understand that I believe what I am writing is necessary for everyone to know.

We all have lost too much to this devastating strategy forced upon us by a Medical World obsessed with Covid-19 to the neglect of all other illnesses. 


I do hope those in power wake up and stop the ongoing death and destruction which continue to be heaped upon the people of the world.


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