Good Morning

In the days before Christmas, I feel a sense of optimism because the tone and narrative are changing.

I said a few weeks ago that the response to Omicron is microcosm of the Government’s and Public Health’s response to the Pandemic. This time, it has gone too far by any measure and many more Ontarians can see that the Emperor Has No Clothes!

As of yesterday morning, there was not one person in Ontario’s ICUs with Omicron, but last Sunday, Doug Ford introduced another round of restrictions. The latest gatherings and capacity limits are devastating and completely unnecessary. Ontario always operated close to or above hospital capacity during winter season, but government didn’t impose restrictions on everyday life. There is no justification for ruining Christmas for so many families and businesses. Let the response to Omicron be a lesson to everyone.

I spoke to a number of honest doctors who think that Omicron may be the end and future of Covid. Nature took its course. But while I am optimistic that we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, I am concerned that some of the methods and practices introduced over the last few years will survive after our exit from Covid. It is essential that passports, mandates, QR codes, censorship and government/public health intrusion come to a complete end. Let’s invest in staffing and resources in Long Term Care homes and commit to an aggressive expansion of hospital capacity. The balance of the response must be left behind.

We would be remiss if we did not think of those who lost a loved one in the past year, or Ontarians who lost employment or a business, directly or indirectly because of the Doug Ford Government or Public Health.

We need to pledge that everyone comes back in the New Year. No Ontarian should suffer health, mental health, social or economic toll because of government. A return to normal means every Ontarian has an opportunity to get back on their feet and those of us in position of management or public service must ensure of that.

Over the next 10 days, I ask that you use the opportunity to help transform the mainstream narrative. Talk to your loved ones, your neighbours and friends. Keep up the push on social media during the vacuum created by the holidays. We must insist on a return to normal and that no Ontarian remains behind.

Like my FacebookPage, follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter. Trust that you can make an impact. Forward this email to your network and ask them to join us at

I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas, a joyful Holiday Season and Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

With my Sincerest Regards,
Roman Baber


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