I do not know if I am more shocked, frustrated, or frightened by the continued killing of non-Covid 19 victims, and the destruction of the world's social, mental, and economic viability caused by the medical establishment's adamant push to keep Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns in place despite evidence that such measures are ineffective.

"There has been a remarkable lack of observed statistical difference in the rates of death for countries, and for US states, that have and have not locked down. An assessment of the models used to project different scenarios must be evaluated relative to the lived reality...

"There is little observational data that the reproduction rate has shot up alarmingly in places that have opened up. Instead the trend remains downward." 

What is even more heart-wrenching is doctor's antagonistic and callous attitude toward the victims of their catastrophic strategy against Covid-19. Evidence of the horrendous consequences of the restrictions and lockdowns were readily known in the spring of 2020, but doctors refused to acknowledge the damage they were doing to the world.

MAY 2020

"The world’s attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic for the past couple of months, and rightly so. The global death toll has hit 285,000, the economy is in shambles, and our day-to-day lives are completely transformed. It’s obviously a huge deal.

"But as we all focus on that, what other problems are being neglected and growing worse? What sort of collateral damage is the world incurring?

 "The secondary impacts of Covid-19 — including a possible “hunger pandemic” and “poverty tsunami” — are worth taking seriously. The number of deaths they cause, experts caution, could easily outstrip the number of deaths from Covid-19 itself...

Instead, the point is that we’d do well to adopt a wider-angle view on human suffering. When we think about this pandemic, it’s not just the direct effects we need to worry about, but also the secondary effects. In other words, while the coronavirus is a serious problem we need to pay attention to, these other issues are also serious problems that are neglected and that urgently require our attention.

Many countries are reducing Covid-19 restrictions because of the greater damage caused by these lockdowns and restrictions

"The Wall Street Journal reported that many poor countries have shifted to easing lockdown restrictions despite rising infections and deaths because they’ve concluded that the cost in lives, livelihoods, and destitution are just too high."

Despite the increasing evidence of the harm the medical world is doing to world humanity. Doctors continue to follow their ill thought out plan based on the flawed epidemiological model of Professor Neil Ferguson.

"With rapid turnaround required by policymakers, even the best groups are in danger of slip ups, so another RAMP task was replication of influential work. We looked at the code for the modelling done by Neil Ferguson from Imperial College London.  His group’s blandly-titled “Report 9” predicted half a million deaths from covid-19 if nothing was done, and is generally regarded as “The Science” behind the lockdown. Reading it carefully, we noticed something surprising—while all the proposed measures slowed the epidemic, school closures increased the total number of deaths. Our first thought was that it was a mistake, but after a little work on the code, we replicated the result. The basic explanation for this counter-intuitive result is that an intervention that substantially suppresses the first-wave of the epidemic leads to a stronger second wave once the interventions are lifted.

"So, why was this advice ignored? Perhaps because the result only holds if there’s no successful vaccination programme for a couple of years. But more likely, the natural impulse of anyone faced with a result that goes against their preconceived ideas is denial—and scientists are no different in this respect. The UK had planned for a flu epidemic, and schools are a hotbed for influenza transmission. So, even though the low infectivity and morbidity for young people was understood by March, it may have been difficult to accept how different influenza and covid-19 really were, and there may have been some nervousness about trying anything counter-intuitive based on a model.  Moreover, failing to suppress the pandemic in the short term, based on a prediction of saving lives in the long term would be politically brave: especially when the identities of those saved could never be known."

"The results of his [Professor Neil Ferguson] previous models produced wildly inaccurate results: the prediction of 200 million deaths worldwide from bird flu in 2005, when just 282 people died between 2003 and 2009, without locking down economies. That model had serious flaws. He used an undocumented, highly complex, 13-year-old computer code for a feared influenza pandemic. 

Evidence of the deadly harm done by medical actions to deal with Covid-19 continue to be reported.

 From the BMJ

"Lockdowns can also cause long term health harms, such as from delayed treatment and investigations. Delays in the diagnosis and treatment of various types of cancer, for example, can allow progression of cancer and affect patients’ survival. A three month delay to surgery is estimated to cause more than 4700 deaths a year in the UK.13 In the US, delays in screening and treatment are estimated to cause 250 000 additional preventable deaths of cancer patients each year.14 Furthermore, a sharp decrease in the number of admissions for acute coronary syndromes and emergency coronary procedures has been observed since the start of the pandemic in the US15 and Europe.16 In England, the weekly number of hospital admissions for coronary syndromes fell by 40% between mid-February and the end of March 2020. Fear of exposure to the virus stopped many patients from attending hospital, putting them at increased risk of long term complications of myocardial infarction...

"The coronavirus pandemic is far from over. Many countries are already reeling from the effects of the pandemic response as well as trying to cope with additional waves of dangerous infection rates. Governments will have to make difficult decisions that rely on uncertain and changing data regarding the most effective approaches to contain the pandemic. Although the evidence on the adverse consequences of measures to control covid-19 continues to grow,1325262728 there remains a paucity of any such voices in the public and decision making conversation, which seems to convey a dominant narrative of pandemic mitigation at all costs. This is perhaps a reflection of the challenge of the moment, but we must adopt a more nuanced approach to understanding the pros and cons of different approaches.

A “zero covid” goal is neither realistic nor sustainable for most countries. Instead, public health needs to increase its investment into assessing the harms of policy options from different perspectives and to explicitly consider and transparently report the harmful consequences of public choices when deciding on and evaluating public health strategies to combat SARS-CoV-2. Epidemiologists, health economists, social scientists, psychologists, historians, ethicists, among others, must all contribute to these efforts and assist governments in making informed decisions—improving and protecting the health of all communities."

From Frontiers in Psychology -- Health Psychology

"As the crisis around Covid-19 evolves, it becomes clear that there are numerous negative side-effects of the lockdown strategies implemented by many countries. Currently, more evidence becomes available that the lockdowns may have more negative effects than positive effects. For instance, many measures taken in a lockdown aimed at protecting human life may compromise the immune system, and purpose in life, especially of vulnerable groups. This leads to the paradoxical situation of compromising the immune system and physical and mental health of many people, including the ones we aim to protect. 

"Also, it is expected that hundreds of millions of people will die from hunger and postponed medical treatments. Other side effects include financial insecurity of billions of people, physical and mental health problems, and increased inequalities. The economic and health repercussions of the crisis will be falling disproportionately on young workers, low-income families and women, and thus exacerbate existing inequalities. As the virus outbreak and media coverage spread fear and anxiety, superstition, cognitive dissonance reduction and conspiracy theories are ways to find meaning and reduce anxiety. These behavioral aspects may play a role in the continuance of lockdown decisions. Based on theories regarding agnotology (i.e., the ways ignorance or doubt about certain topics is created by means of withholding or presenting information in a certain way), social influence, superstition and stress and coping, I seek to explain the social and behavioral aspects of human behavior in times of crises. Both the Covid-19 crisis itself as well as the resulting economic and (mental) health crisis are global problems that may require global solutions. I present a model of drivers and outcomes of lockdown behaviors and offer suggestions and a tool to counteract the negative psychological effects by means of online life crafting therapeutic writing interventions."







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