The term "new normal" is ridiculous and leads to a sense of hopelessness about recovering from the negative impacts of Covid-19. I am 74 years old and when I look back over my life, there is no "return to normal" or "new normal" because life is always changing. The change is always ambivalent/amoral overall -- good for some, not much difference to others, and catastrophic yet to others. I wish the term "new normal" would BE ERASED from media propaganda because what is happening in the recent past and present is always changing and that is "normal" -- nothing new about it.


I could predict that once restrictions and lockdowns are removed, we will experience continued change and some permanent fixtures left over from the Covid-19 restrictions.

1. The families of neglected cancer and other fatal disease victims, will probably sue individually or have class actions against the medical establishment for criminal negligence.

2. I think once the total worldwide data about the horrendous impact on every aspect of life caused by ill-planned Covid-19 restrictions is finally part of media propaganda, that governments, pharma, hospitals, ETC., and maybe even the media will face lawsuits and possibly censure from such organizations as the UN.

3. I believe employment rates will improve but will not return to pre-lockdown status as employers have learned how had to increase the workload of employees with impunity, thus needing fewer employees and increasing profits and management bonuses.

4. Big pharma and their medical allies will probably sell the world on yearly vaccinations to deal with variants and continue to make colossal profits. I do own Pfizer.

5. The breakdown of social contact will continue. The restrictions, especially social isolation and distancing, have taught us that everyone else is a potential killer because they could be holding a deadly virus, not just Covid-19. I think that the fear of being in groups of strangers and seeing them as a threat to our survival, will PERSIST. Making friends spontaneously will be considered risky behaviour.

5a. Many workers who have been able to work at home will refuse to return to the germ, bacteria, and virus filled office. Companies will save money by not having to rent any space or as much space. Office building rentals will drop significantly and office building will either refit themselves for residences -- condos or rental residences -- or they will face bankruptcies.

6. Governments can continue to trample on democratic rights and freedoms for a while. They need only to use public health as an excuse. I think that governments have relished the unconditional support OF the reinforcement of their harsh enforcement of arbitrary fines, arrests, property seizures, closing of businesses, and the crack down on government-unfriendly demonstrations and marches.

7. The media has used Covid-19 to increase their profits, readership, and audiences. These lessons will not be lost and the unsavoury trend to propaganda and entertainment will continue.

8. Governments will not be able to deal with the incredible deficits caused by financial and health care fallout of Covid-19 restrictions and lockdown. Either the WMF will forgive all of this deficit, causing an even great financial collapse or bankrupt government will slowly allow corporations to privatize government services, thus increasing costs and reducing needed service to those who cannot pay. In addition, corporations will increase their control of governments and government ability to govern.

9. There may be a good result of the continuation of a bad effect of Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns. For up to several years, death of neglected cancer, heart and stroke, lung, kidney, liver, HIV/AIDS and other non-Covid-19 patients will continue. The pressure from the public will force government to rethink their dependence on the medical establishment who consider human beings to be biological organisms like amoeba and treat them as such. Governments will be forced to get advice of experts who have a knowledge of human beings and society as a whole -- psychologists, sociologists, social psychologists, economist, health psychologist, ethicist, educationist, and other experts who can immediately identify how the medical solutions can have cataclysmic effects on our social, mental, political, economic, physical, and emotional health. In this way, another Covid-19 restriction and lockdown disaster can be avoided.

10. Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns have caused unprecedented increases in suicide, death from domestic violence, depression and anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, disorientation disorders and increase to many more conditions related to the punishing effects that social isolation, social distancing, and fear propaganda has had on mental health. WE ARE FACING A MENTAL HEALTH PANDEMIC AND HAVE MEDICAL DOCTORS TO THANK FOR THIS TERRIBLE SITUATION. The health care system now must pick up the pieces and repair the damaged done by our esteemed but ignorant pandemic and infectious disease experts.

11. The world in the relatively near future will look upon the Covid-19 fiasco in the same way it looks upon Y2K. Both cost the world trillions of dollars because of expert stupidity. However, the Covid-19 sham is far worse because it caused the death of up to 200 million non-Covid 19 victims.









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