The axiom,

"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results"  

has been attributed to many sources as its origin -- 

Albert Einstein? Al-Anon? Narcotics Anonymous? Max Nordau? George Bernard Shaw? Samuel Beckett? George A. Kelly? Rita Mae Brown? John Larroquette? Jessie Potter? Werner Erhard?  

Whoever asserted it first, the meaning remains the same.  

It is irrational to repeatedly do something and expect what happens afterwards to be different.

Well, let us look at lockdowns. They have not resulted in reducing the cases of Covid-19 effectively and in the long term. However, the medical establishment in many countries (Canada, Italy, Spain, Belgium, etc.) insist on re-imposing lockdowns again and again.

I believe that this behaviour is ridiculous and suggests that the medical establishment should not be consulted as the main source of advice to deal with any concern or issue facing nations of the world.

Why not consult other experts who understand that human beings and society are not made up simply of biological organisms -- we are psychological, sociological, political, economic, social  psychological, spiritual beings. Our health is dependent upon enhancing all these crucial aspect of being human. 

 Consult experts like psychologists, economists, sociologist, political scientist, social psychologist, not only to deal with Covid-19, but repair the catastrophic destruction rained down on the world by the ill-thought out restrictions and lockdowns imposed by many governments and medical establishments.

 When are we going to stop listening to the doctors and cease destroying humanity?





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