The increase in Covid 19 cases is a world wide phenomenon. Countries, like the UK, Spain, South Korea, Denmark, Italy, Norway and many others are re-imposing lockdowns again even though their original lockdowns were considered among the harshest and most strongly enforced lockdowns in the world. Even New Zealand had to impose lock downs twice. Australia who had perhaps the world's longest harsh lockdown has the Covid 19 variant within its borders and recently had a Covid 19 outbreak in Sydney. It appears to me that lock downs are not working.

So, I have a questions. I am not being sarcastic when I asked, "Why are lock downs not working?"

Many politician blame people of "breaking the lock down rules." If this is true, then a lot of citizenry all over the world must be ignoring the lockdown, probably because of the many sacrifices everyone is making and yet Covid 19 cases have increased. In addition, certainly in Canada, seeing political and medical officials ignored the no-travel advisory while tobogganers are fined for sliding down a hill, people no longer have faith that governments and their medical advisors know how to deal with the virus. If people have no trust in those in authority, they will find ways to evade the lock down.

The heavily criticized Sweden still resists imposing a lockdown although they have set some limits with respect to group sizes. Could Sweden be a quasi-control group to scientifically compare lock downs with no lock downs? According to Worldometers.com, Sweden ranks 25th in deaths per million out of the 220 countries that the site reports on. As a comparison, Switzerland ranks 23rd, Mexico 19th, France 18th, Spain 14th, USA 13th, UK 11th, Italy 5th, and Belgium 2nd. Maybe the Swedish experiences indicates that options to lock downs work as well without maybe the mental health and financial consequences.

I follow all the protocols, but I also do research about Covid 19. There is a lot of disagreement among even pandemic and infectious disease experts about the actions and the cost of the actions to deal with Covid 19 in terms of mental health issues, financial hardships, increase in suicides and domestic violence victims, increase in famine world wide, and neglect of non-covid 19 patients such as cancer victims.






I think people should do more research and not be afraid of questioning what is happening. Nor should they be severely criticized or sanctioned for stating the negative consequences about Covid 19 restrictions. Also, I can understand pandemic fatigue and why some people are behaving they way they are. I do not break any health safety Covid 19 restrictions, but I still wonder why lock downs have to be re-imposed if they are working. The world praises Australia and New Zealand, but most countries of the world are not island nations like New Zealand and Australia, so they cannot cut themselves off from the rest of the world.





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