I woke up this morning in the city of Toronto and have found so far that 2021 is just the day after the day before. Nothing has changed here. Christmas and New Years, times of family; friendship; love; relaxation; and physical, mental, spiritual renewal was forbidden by government decree.

 Maybe our experience in the largest city and province in Canada is similar to what is happening around the world.

The city has been on lock down for about 40 days and the daily number of Covid 19 cases continue to rise, at least double what they were before the lock down and this situation is the same for our province of Ontario. So the medical authorities and governments are extending the lockdown for another 21 days. Of course, the doctors and politicians are blaming us, but the citizens are the lock down and it is becoming clear that lock downs are not working, mostly, because I think the majority of people in Toronto and Ontario do not trust the decision makers imposing their harsh Covid 19 strategies on us.

So how is the government and medical world trying to build trust in them? Well, our Minister of Finance, Rod Philips, flouted his own government's "no out-of-province travel advisory" and took off on December 13 for a vacation in St. Bart's. He and the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, tried to cover the trip up and Mr. Ford even denied that he knew his finance minister had left the province. The premier did recant and admit he knew. The Minister posted videos of himself spending Christmas at home in a suburb of Toronto to maintain the image that he had not left the province. Mr. Phillips has resigned, but everyone knows that in a month or so, he will be back in the Cabinet.

In addition, a high ranking member of the Premier's staff left the province as well to visit family in the province of Sasketchewan.

What really bothered those of us in Toronto as much was that our mayor, John Tory, made excuses for the behaviour of the Finance Minister. Mr. Tory has been an outspoken critic of we lowly Torontonians who do not follow all the Covid 19 restrictions. What hypocrisy.

Recently, the pandemic expert, Doctor Boguch,who is the poster boy for Covid 19 restrictions, shocked me when he said that he worried that surgeries for Cancer, Lung, Heart Stroke, Liver, Kidney, etc patients would be postponed because hospitals are re-engineering themselves to deal only with Covid 19 as they did when the pandemic was first declared. He hinted that these patients may die. The reason his statements are even more shocking is that he is the source of medical information for CP24 -- that is our Fox-like station in Toronto -- for the politically right, you can compare CP24 to CNN. I am surprised that he was allowed to say something which questioned the medical world's obsession with Covid 19.

So how is this double standard of following restrictions and growing disagreement in the medical world going to lead to trust? In addition, the failure of lockdowns being a successful deterrent to Covid 19 in Toronto makes people wonder why the government keeps imposing them. The failure of lockdowns have been reported not only in Canada but around the world.

Moreover, do a bit of research and you find out some interesting things about countries touted and praised as being the MODELS that the world should follow in dealing with Covid 19. Notable Norway and South Korea are back on lockdown so are many other countries which were never praised. Praiseworthy Denmark and Australia have cases of the new Covid 19 variants and also,Australia (which was in lockdown for 100 days) recently had a Covid 19 outbreak in Sydney. Even New Zealand has been through two lockdowns.

Covid 19 restriction proponents continue to attack Sweden, who, despite misinformation, still has not imposed lock downs. Of course, some Swedish doctors disagree with Sweden's approach, just as a growing number of doctors in other countries are questioning the effectiveness of and shouting their alarm about the negative consequences of the restrictions.

Despite all of the rhetoric about Sweden, its mortality rate as of January 1, 2021 is 26th in the world, far lower than many full lockdown countries in Europe, including Belgium, Italy, Spain, UK, France. Sweden has done no worse without lockdowns, than many countries who have imposed them. However, Sweden has avoided many of the other pitfalls -- they do not expect a mental health pandemic, are not experiencing increase deaths by suicide and domestic violence, are not having additional deaths among cancer, lung, heart and stroke, liver, kidney, etc patients. Finally, their financial health has not been as devastated as has most of the rest of the world.

The world is going to break down if governments and the medical establishment continues to focus on Covid 19 and ignore all the social, psychological, financial and health problems caused by all the harsh restrictions. When are the medical world and governments going to stop their navel gazing, see what is going on, and start rebuilding the world instead of destroying it.



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