Covid 19 is a disease which may cause death, but the mortality rate is estimated to be somewhere between a high of 3 % and a low of 0.14% (as a comparison the mortality rate of SARS was 9 to 11%) and 99.4% of Covid 19 patients experience  either mild or no symptoms,


the restrictions imposed to deal with this illness do far more destruction than any good.


1. We all can advocate for and give money and/or time to the organizations which are trying to stop the killing through additional world starvation caused by Covid 19 Restrictions. Such organizations include OXFAM, CARE, RED CROSS, ACTION AGAINST HUNGER, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM (UN) AND MANY OTHERS.









2. Keep in touch with friends who live alone, potential suicide victims caused by the imposed social isolation, lock downs, and quarantines. If you suspect friends are  part of the increased number of victims through domestic violence as a result of Covid 19 restrictions, encourage them to seek help from government and social agencies. Also offer your support and help to potential suicide and domestic violence victims.


In addition,  we can advocate for, give money and/or time to the organizations like Help Lines, Suicide Prevention Groups, Government and Social Agencies, Violence Victim Services, Shelters for Victims of Violence, Counseling for Victims of Violence and other groups that are trying to stop the increase in suicides, as well as the increase in death and injury by domestic violence caused by the harsh restrictions imposed because of Covid 19.









3.    Contact medical and government authorities and PLEAD WITH THEM to stop allowing deaths from non-covid 19 illnesses like cancer; heart, lung, liver, and kidney disease; HIV AIDS, cholera, and many other non-covid 19 illnesses because the medical world has re-engineered hospitals to deal with Covid 19 and  has deemed testing, screening, treatment and surgery needed by these patients as being ELECTIVE!

You can also advocate for and give money and/or time to organizations who are working hard to stop the medical neglect of non-Covid 19 patient. There are many organizations concerned with the broader health of the world such as Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Lung Association, Kidney Foundation, Doctors without Borders, the MS Society, International Medical Corps, UNAIDS, and many, many more need your help.





4.     Write to government and medical authorities and ask them to wake up and realize that the  restrictions they are imposing have caused loss of jobs, loss of livelihoods and homes, destruction of small businesses, and huge government debt caused by the horrible impact of the ill-thought out Covid 19 schemes.

Although governments are facing totally overwhelming debts caused by their own hysterical overreaction to Covid 19, we all must advocate for more government and social aid to help those displaced by this frenzied approach to Covid 19, to prevent the eviction of people and businesses struggling to survive during this created financial collapse, and to stop the closures of more and more small businesses and loss of jobs.





5.    Covid 19 restrictions are separating people physically, but more importantly, we are being separated socially and psychologically as well. Many people in the world who have been very frightened by the partial truths presented by Covid 19 propaganda, have begun to see others as being potential killers, carrying a horrible virus that will be a death sentence to anyone who draws near to them. Worse yet, many have become so self absorbed with their own life situation that they are callous toward the fact that the restrictions are causing so much unnecessary death and destruction.

We have to realize that this state of affairs is unhealthy for society at large and for us as individuals. We must stop being overwhelmed by the fear which supporters of Covid 19 restrictions have insinuated into the very fabric of our society and the most hidden regions of our psyches.

It is difficult to resist such professional brain washing, but let your mind read about the shameful negative effects of Covid 19 restrictions and let your heart feel for the people of the world who are suffering and even dying because of this impaired view of Covid 19 foisted upon the world by a narrow sighted medical world.

Speak out to governments, medical professionals, NFP organizations, friends, and family. Let them know that you do not support the damage caused by Covid 19 restrictions and feel those with power must consult with other professionals -- economic, social, psycholgical, financial, etc -- and find a less destructive way to deal with this pandemic or any other in the future.





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