When most of the world started to impose strong Covid 19 restrictions in mid March, my partner and I were in Bali. Bali was immediately in financial trouble. Tourism dried up overnight. Shops, bars, restaurants had no tourist customers and locals had to watch what they spent. Their livelihoods ended overnight.

We had met a number of young men from East Timor who would come to Bali during the tourist season to make money to take home. Their income disappeared and some did not know how they were going to get back to East Timor where their families were. Everywhere we could see that the populace was stressed.

We were stressed as well because the airport had cancelled so many flights. Canada was warning that its borders would be closed. We were able to get a combination of flights that took about 48 hours to get back to Canada. Thanks to EVA airlines, we were not charged any additional money or service charge for leaving Bali earlier than scheduled. In fact, we had to spend almost a full day at Taiwan at the airport (we could not go into the city) and EVA arranged for us to stay, sleep, shower, and get meals in their VIP lounge.

We felt bad about the negative impacts to Bali we saw, but we were as concerned as everyone else about this horrible unknown disease that was threatening the planet. We firmly believed that what was being done was for the good of world health.

We got back to Canada and had to stay in our condo in strict isolation for 14 days. Luckily, friends left some food for us outside our condo door, so we survived.

I had lots of time to keep abreast of what was being reported about Covid 19 and the restrictions imposed to ensure health of the general population. However, I was immediately struck by the fact that Sweden was using a much softer approach to dealing with Covid 19. I loved the Swedish medical professionals. Just a few years ago,the Swedish medical system saved my life after I had been given a medication on a Princess Cruise ship which exacerbated a diarrheal condition to the point of my health being critically affected. The ship ordered me off in Stockholm, and I went right to a hospital where they quickly treated me and the condition was basically under control in six hours. In fact, by a number of medical sources, Sweden is ranked in the top three medical systems in the world. Having my life saved cost me $400 Canadian Dollars in Sweden.

So, as a social scientist, I started looking at what Sweden was doing and at all the statistical data I could find about Covid 19 and the restrictions imposed.

Over the next 6 months what I discovered was alarming!

All my information comes from a variety of news media, medical, psychology, statistical sites that are considered legitimate. Thus most of the Blogs deal with the horrendous consequences of the Covid 19 restrictions. Every blog cites evidence from legitimate sources -- not Donald Trump, not Fox News and not Conspiracy sites.

My first results were the mortality rate of Covid 19 at 4% compared to SARS at 9-11% and MERS at over 30% yet the world did not shut down for these other illnesses. Now mortality rates for Covid 19 is somewhere between 2% and 0.14%,
Here are some of negative consequences the world is facing because of the harsh Covid 19 restrictions

domestic violence and suicide rates have increased significantly

health experts are warning of a mental disorder pandemic

unemployment is steadily rising to rates not seen for many decades

individuals and families are threatened with losing their livelihoods, their homes, their security

As part of Covid 19 restrictions, homeless shelters have been closed in at least North American and European countries, so now the homeless live in crowded tent cities or on the streets of a city.

financial analyst are now saying that economic recovery may take a decade (comparing to the depression starting in 1929)

government debt will be totally out of control, leading to the cutting of essential services in the future.

small business bankruptcies are on the increase, decreasing competition and thus increasing monopolies

one of the worse effects is the additional deaths of not only cancer patients, but also those suffering from lung disease, kidney disease, HIV/AIDS, cholera, etc because our medical systems have geared themselves to deal with the flu-like symptoms of Covid 19.

between 120 million and 270 million will die from starvation because the financial collapse caused by Covid 19 restrictions has caused a collapse of the transportation systems and the food industry in developing countries.

How is Sweden doing, using a sensible, non-lockdown approach to Covid 19 and now most likely having the highest percentage of the population with Covid 19 immunity because they never had a lock down?

As of November 26, 2020,  Sweden ranks 43rd in rate of infections per population. Sweden ranks 23rd in mortality rate per population. To put this in perspective, Belgium, France,  ItalySpain, and UK, who imposed some of the strictest and earliest lock downs in the world, rank 1st, 13th, 6th, 5th, and 8th respectively in mortality rate per population.

Economically Sweden has outperformed most of the EU .  In addition, Sweden has not suffered the increase in suicides, domestic violence, death of non-covid 19 partients, and mental health problems as have the lock down countries.

In my blogs, the links to main stream press are provided so that people stop thinking that I am a nut.

The sources of this information is the press, Canadian -- CBC, Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail; Europe -- BBC, London Times, Euronews; American -- NY Times, Washington Post, Los Angelos Times

Government and Not for Profit Organizations -- UN, Oxfam, CDC, WHO, Cancer Society, Lung Association, Lung Foundation, AIDS network of Canada, Worldometer,

Have a look at my latest summary of the devastation caused by Frenzied Covid 19 restrictions and make up your own mind.


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