The Toronto Star is Blocking Subscriber Posts That Present Facts about Covid 19!

 I read the following editorial October 8 in the Toronto Star


Is anyone taking the second wave of COVID-19 seriously? This data shows we’re shopping and travelling like it’s practically 2019


 I posted a comment in which I gave support to those who were trying to return to normalcy, giving evidence of the Covid 19 confusing information and the negative psychological effects of the Covid 19 restrictions, which were causing people to behave more freely.

The Toronto Star removed the post because it violated "community standards." I could get no explanation of how the post violated these standards. Read the post for yourself and let me know how it violated "community standards."




I think many people are suffering pandemic restriction fatigue.

It has been reported that there are many negative psychological effects of quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing. -- such as depression, generalized anxiety, increased suicide, and increased domestic violence.

In addition, I think many are suffering from Covid 19 overload and I feel much of the information is becoming confusion. Recently, for example, WHO estimated that world-wide there were 750,000,000 cases of Covid 19

As of  October 10, 2020, 07:49, there have been 1,073,650 Deaths from Covid 19. That means the death rate using the number of deaths (provided by Worldometer) by the number of infections (provided by WHO) is only 0.14 %. This is comparable to the mortality rate of influenza and well below the mortality rates of SARS 9%, MERS 34%, and pneumonia 5-10%

I believe the mixed pandemic messages being sent out and the desire to overcome the negative psychological impact of Pandemic Restrictions have led people to try to achieve a sense of normalcy.

I believe those who are living life as though it is not 2020 are simple trying to save their mental health.


 So tell me -- What have I written that violates any standards??????????? Are the sources I quote -- BBC, EURONEWS, PUBLIC HEALTH ONTARIO, UK HEALTH -- all promoting FAKE NEWS or is the TORONTO STAR JUST CENSORING ANY INFORMATION WHICH TRIES TO GIVE A COMPLETE PICTURE OF COVID 19.


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