I am 73 years old; thus, I am in the population group which Covid 19 attacks most harshly as it is doing what viruses do to varying degrees -- CULL THE HEARD.


Now, because of Covid 19 restrictions, I am becoming a target of CANCER. I have Barrett’s Esophagus, a precancerous condition caused by severe acid reflux which has permanently damaged my esophagus. To make certain that Barrett’s does not become cancer, I have a gastroscopy every 12 month or less. The gastroscopy is to check the progress of the Barrett’s to make certain that it has not progressed to cancer. My last gastroscopy was supposed to be done in late March.


However, the medical system decided that Cancer screening, pre-screening, surgery, testing were ELECTIVE because Covid 19 has become their only priority. So for me, Covid 19 and Cancer seem to be in a competition to see what kills me first. However, the Harsh Restriction are probably giving Cancer an edge against, not only for me, but all Cancer victims. I cannot even get an appointment with my gastroenterologist, and I cannot get testing of any sort because all of that is labelled ELECTIVE TREAMENT by a medical system obsessed with Covid 19.


I have lived a life which in the past 19 years has finally become happy and contenting. I do not want to live my remaining days living an imposed solitary confinement. I do respect the fears of others concerning Covid 19. I wear a mask, observe social distancing, and respect any and all contact limits anxious people and the government dictates.


For me, with a background in the social sciences, I recognize the damage being done by social isolation, quarantine, social distancing, mandated lack of intimacy -- this leads to PTSD/PTSS, general anxiety, depression, increased suicide and domestic violence. I know that all human beings need intimacy -- social, emotional, cognitive, and physical -- it is necessary for both mental and physical health. As studies of sensory deprivation has shown, physical intimacy (including any kind of touch) is probably the most important of the intimacies.


Thus, I am taking every opportunity to be with all the people that I love. I try to fulfill my need for human intimacy and help others fulfill their need as much as I can. However, I do respect those who fear Covid 19 and stay within the harsh restrictions currently impose in Toronto, Ontario




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