Why Do We Trust Medical Professionals as if They Were Gods?



Emily Jerry was two years old when she lost her life after a pharmacy technician filled her intravenous bag with more than 20 times the recommended dose of sodium chloride.
Courtesy of Chris Jerry
The Covid 19 restrictions were poorly thought out, very dangerous, and have caused psychological, financial, and health catastrophes because of a disease for which 99% of the infected have mild or no symptoms and the mortality rate is somewhere between 2% and 0.28% according to medical data.

I understand that everyone have been overwhelmed by all the negative news and we all hate to distrust doctors and governments; however, in the US last year, doctors, through negligence or error killed 250,000 patients who should not have died,
so what they are now doing world wide by focusing on covid 19 and all but neglecting cancer, heart and stroke, lung, kidney, HIV/aids, etc patients is really not that exceptional. In general, society admire doctors as near gods, but really medicine is an art, not a science -- that is why so many patients seek second or third opinions.
I am just so devastated by how the medical establishment and governments are following a road to self-destruction of the world. I am also so disappointed that there are not enough intelligent, sensible, whistle blowers in medicine, government, educated circles to stand up and say," we overreacted, we are killing people, we have to stop."


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