HARSH Covid 19 Restrictions are Destructive -- Taking SENSIBLE Health Precautions is the Optimal Solution.


Wake up and stop the Covid 19 Restriction Carnage.


Those who question HARSH Covid 19 Restrictions are not opposed to taking SENSIBLE health precaution. However, they are concerned about the devastating impact of the harsh lockdowns, social distancing, social isolation, and the re-engineering of our medical system to deal with Covid 19 and neglect patients with other life threatening illnesses. Some examples of the impact on Cancer Patients -- Is this propaganda as many Covid 19 news media reports imply? -- The Toronto Star, New York Time, and BBC?




The financial collapse caused by the Harsh Covid 19 Restrictions is causing any where from 120 million to 270 million people around the world to die of starvation. Is this propaganda as many Covid 19 news media reports imply? -- the UN, Oxfam, and NBC?




Many people have become stupefied by the overwhelming support by news media, governments, and medical authorities of the world's use of self-destructive harsh restrictions as the response to Covid 19. They continue ignoring the incredible increase in death among the world starving because of Covid 19 Restrictions caused financial collapse -- increased deaths of cancer, heart and stroke, lung, kidney, cholera, HIV/AIDs patients caused by a medical system obsessed with Covid 19 and considering the removal of cancerous tumours ELECTIVE -- the increase in death and injury through suicide and domestic violence caused by the extreme isolation of Covid 19 Restrictions.

Sweden and other countries (there are a number of them if you are willing to do the research to find out) used a common sense approach to Covid 19. They urged their citizens to take precautions -- masks, reducing large social gatherings, etc. However, they did not establish a police enforced environment. Sweden and other common sense countries have had the same kind of infection rate and mortality rate of countries who imposed the stricter lock downs.

However, they did not suffer the horrendous psychological consequences, non-covid 19 patients increased deaths, nor as harsh an economic collapse as the rest of the countries which did impose the harsh restrictions.


The BBC which of course is a major news service in the UK, a country which instituted among the harshest Covid 19 restrictions in the world, had this to say about Sweden --


Have a look at a comparison of the infection and death rates of Covid 19 for over 200 countries around the world


So what the news media and governments should be promoting is a way to deal with Covid 19 without killing over 200 million non-covid 19 victims. How many deaths is Harsh Restrictions saving and how many people are they killing? Wake up and stop the Covid 19 Restriction Carnage.



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