I know that you are all inundated with bad news about Covid 19 -- so here is the bright news.

GOOD NEWS, the death rate for Covid 19 has continued to drop in the world and in Canada. Some infectious disease experts are now talking about the possibility of developing herd immunity before vaccines are even perfected. However, herd immunity requires that at the very least, 15% of the population must have been infected. Most experts are saying it has to be 40%. 

Of course, Sweden, using a sensible, non-lockdown approach to Covid 19 most likely has the highest percentage of the population with Covid 19 immunity because they never had a lock down. Sweden ranks 41st in rate of infections per population. Sweden ranks 14th in mortality rate per population. To put this in perspective, Spain, UK, and Italy, who imposed some of the strictest and earliest lock downs in the world, rank 5th, 11th, and 13th respectively. Sweden has not experienced a second wave as yet.

I know some people says that I am an idiot because I find positive aspects of all the bad news promoted by our media. However, I am a social scientist and we always search out the statistics behind information or misinformation. 

Cases are up, yes, but some authorities predicted this in August when testing became widely available. The CDC in June ,before testing became easily available, said that they believed the number of Covid 19 cases in the US was at least 10 times what were known before available testing. In addition, 99% of the current cases are mild or asymptomatic and WHO suspects that truly asymptomatic patients rarely pass Covid 19 on. The mortality rate continues to drop. The more people who catch Covid 19, the closer we become to herd immunity -- However!!!! herd immunity requires that 15% to 40% of the populating have anti-bodies. 

The death rate is now estimated to be as low as 2% to 0.28%. SARS was 9% and MERS was 30%. So why are we destroying the world economy and killing innocent victims through starvation, non-covid 19 fatal diseases, and increased suicide and domestic violence.

The horrendous negative effects of harsh Covid 19 restrictions is why I am so angry about what the world is doing to itself especially since -- except for Sweden and a few other countries who are taking less damaging approaches to curbing Covid 19 and are not having any more Covid 18 health problems than countries who imposed strict lockdowns --, no one with authority seems to be thinking of changing our approach to containing Covid 19 so that we do not cause so much carnage.

Oh well ... It is all good news, so just enjoy yourself and embrace Pandemic Restrictions Fatigue.😍


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