Covid 19 Restrictions To The Extreme😂🤣😁😉 -- Humour?????


Anti Covid 19 Restriction Pandemic Fatigue Regimen

During this real Covid 19 crisis, we must remember that quarantine; social distancing; self-isolation; depression and anxiety; and listening to the media Covid 19 reports continuously are our friends. The big enemy is

Pandemic Restriction Fatigue

So if you have allowed Pandemic Restriction Fatigue to make you ignore our friends (quarantine; social distancing; self-isolation; depression and anxiety; and listening to the media Covid 19 reports continuously) and get together with friends socially and maybe get a bit within the 2 meter (6 feet war zone)

Then YOU MUST FOLLOW the Anti Covid 19 Restriction Pandemic Fatigue Regimen

1. Self-Flagellation

First, punish yourself for being anti Covid 19 restrictions (you know -- being human)



Self-flagellation will teach you to not ignore social distancing. Do not be shy, a few small wounds on your back is good for increasing your awareness of how bad you have been.


2. Body Purification

You then must wash away all of the Covid 19 virus which now certainly feasts on and infests your ENTIRE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL BODY because you briefly lost your way.


Here are our purification friends!!!!



Bathe in each of the natural body and soul cleansing liquids for an hour each.The pain you feel as these healing balms enter your self-flagellated areas is part of the purification. Bask in its glory.

Although a well-known Covid 19 expert has suggested ingesting or injecting one or all of these purification elixirs into your body for further purification, in my humble opinion, the 4 hours of bathing is sufficient.


3. Phase of Self-Reward

It is now time to rest, relax, and let your soul embrace the purification.

A. Listen to some wonderful Covid 19 Propaganda on TV or via internet, email, websites, podcast, facebook, instagram, twitter -- but just the wonderful Propaganda. This experience will fortify your depression and anxiety so that you will fit right into your Covid 19 comfort zone.

B. Drink some natural juices of the world 

to help you deal with the anxiety and depression and to allow yourself the rest, relaxation, you need and help you not to think about or examine what is going on in the world -- NEGLECTED CANCER, HIV/AIDS, LUNG, KIDNEY, HEART AND STROKE, ETC. PATIENTS DYING BECAUSE OUR MEDICAL FACILITIES WERE RE-ENGINEERED TO DEAL JUST WITH COVID 19 SYMPTOMS (YOU KNOW -- FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS), -- THE OVER 120 MILLION EXTRA HUMAN BEINGS DYING BECAUSE OF THE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE CAUSED BY COVID 19 RESTRICTIONS, -- THE WORLD WIDE INCREASE IN ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, PTSD/PTSS, SUICIDE AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CAUSED BY COVID 19 SOCIAL DISTANCING, QUARANTINE, AND SELF-ISOLATION -- All those things should not bother you as you fight Covid 19 with a death rate estimated as low as o.28%. 

Why should you worry when MOST doctors and MOST governments do not seem to care?




Warning!!!!!!! -- WHO and the CDC are no longer fully supporting the Anti Covid 19 Restriction Pandemic Fatigue Regimen -- Don't worry...they are beginning to get the bad press they deserve from Covid 19 Propagandist Who Care.






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