Praised as being environmentally friendly and exercising in a healthy fashion, rewarded by extended bike lanes and by bike share programs, many cyclist consider themselves to be an honoured and privileged class of traveler. Also, unlike jaywalking pedestrians and automobile drivers, cyclist are virtually never fined or charged; thus, they sit comfortably above the law.


I am a Toronto pedestrian and a TTC user. I have to say that I have seen many pedestrians hit or almost hit by irresponsible bicyclists in Toronto. I read a lot about automobile drivers but nothing about the danger of bicyclists.


I have no statistics, but my personal observations in Toronto have been that a large plurality of bicyclists seem to-- ignore red lights, stop signs, flashing cross walks; go the wrong way down one way streets;zoom onto and off crowded side walks, and finally, instead of stopping at a red light -- bicyclists will often make a sharp left into crossing pedestrians. What is worse is that bicyclists will use unacceptable language toward the pedestrian that the bicyclist has hit or almost has hit.


Despite the fact that I have seen multiple cases of drivers being pulled over by police and ticketed or warned, bicyclists seemed to be considered a “special elite group” who can flaunt the law at their will. I have examples to further explain why I feel prosecuting bicyclists and ticketing bicyclists is important.


Several years ago, I was attending a "Meet the Toronto Police Coffee" on Church Street. A woman joined our small group, which included a police officer. She explained that she had some brain damaged which caused her constant headaches for which she had to take a pain killer. Because of the medication, she was not able to function at her job and lost the job. What is important though is how she suffered brain damaged.


She was crossing a street in a flashing cross walk. A cyclist hit her and she lost her balance and hit her head on the sidewalk pavement/curb. She blacked out for a minute. When she awoke, other pedestrians had stopped the cyclist from escaping and called the police. She was able to talk to the police and she wanted the cyclist charged. She affirmed that the police tried to talk her out of it. She persisted and the cyclist was charged, convicted, and paid a minimal fine. The police officer who was with us hearing her experience -- apologized for the inaction of the police and also the lack of sufficient punishment for the behaviour of the bicyclist..


She was taken to the hospital. Eventually, as a result of the injury to her head caused by a cyclist, her entire life was ruined. Her family finallly forced her to sue the cyclist.


Also, the following happened, this Global News article was published on October 16, 2016


TORONTO — An 84-year-old woman who was struck by a cyclist in Toronto last month has died of her injuries.

Police say the woman and a 75-year-old man were walking across a downtown Toronto street (Parliament Street at Spruce Street) on Sept. 24 when they were hit by a cyclist.

Investigators say the man suffered minor injuries and said Thursday that the woman died on Oct. 6.

The cyclist – who left the scene before officers arrived – is described as a white man, approximately five feet eight inches tall, with a heavy build.

Police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the cyclist.

Also, I am certain that cyclist hit and runs are way under reported. You will notice that, in the above news account, the man and woman were hit on September 24, 2016. She died October 6, 2016, and the report did not come out until October 16, 2016.

Also, I believe the hit and attempted run by the cyclist which led to brain damage for the woman at the "Meet the Toronto Police Coffee" was not reported through the media.

Toronto is not the only city where bicyclists are a threat to the well being of pedestrians. Some cities are doing something about it.


I do believe strongly that Toronto, as well as all cities, has to expand its “Safe Pedestrian Plan” to try to protect pedestrians against all vehicle drivers, including bicyclists.




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