My partner and I are naturist (social nudist) and believe in Polyamory and we feel an Agapé toward all gay bi men.

We have been partners for almost 19 years -- we were monogamous for 16 years, but now we are polyamorous. If we had try to stay monogamous, we would have ended a truly loving relationship

Unfortunately, as I look back on my life from 1947 to 2001 (When I met my partner), I do not have many fond memories and great experiences -- I just remember a lot of anxiety, depression, worry, and sadness ... I hoo. *:(( crying

I have been a happy person since I met my partner and as we grew and evolved through our relationship, we opened up to accept our need for intimacy (emotional, social, cognitive, and physical) from more than just the two of us -- from other gay men. We made a conscious decision to become polyamorous in 2015. Monogamy would have destroyed our relationship, even though, we really loved and continue to be in love with each other.

A platonic intimate friend, asked me about my reference to having a special love for all gay and bi men. It is a love that I call Agape. He asked me to explain Agape to him. It really got me thinking about myself and my feelings about intimacy and my feelings toward men in general, so I wrote the following. Tell me if you have any thoughts.

Agape or Agapé

The essence of agape love is goodwill, benevolence, and willful delight in the object of love. Unlike our English word loveagape is not used in the New Testament to refer to romantic or sexual love. Nor does it refer to close friendship or brotherly love, for which the Greek word philia is used. Agape love involves faithfulness, commitment, and an act of the will. It is distinguished from the other types of love by its lofty moral nature and strong character. Agape love is beautifully described in 1 Corinthians 13.

What is agape love?

What is agape love? How is agape love different from other types of love?

My Agapé is of gay and bi men and it is unconditional and includes many levels of intimacy. To me, Agapé combines the best aspects of 3 Greek loves -- Agape, Philia, and Eros. See the following website.

I believe that Monogamy is actually a denial of our Agapé -- Monogamy demands that our highest love is for one person, our "sole/soul" mate and one person only. Humans are primates and, as primates, we seek intimacy, affection, warmth, and love from many other humans. Monogamy calls this "Cheating" thus, it demeans our agapé for others and tries to distort our loving relationships. Monogamy causes us to break up with a partner we love, in order to love another. 

Naturally speaking, we can share intimacy -- physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and even spiritual and psychic intimacy with many others. Polyamory recognizes, emphasizes, and supports this natural part of human nature. Monogamy denies it and corrupts this natural agapé by naming it promiscuity.The lack of "success" of monogamy is demonstrated by a 50% rate of divorce, and a much higher rate of "cheating" among monogamous couples. "it can be estimated that 50-60% of married men and 45-55% of married women engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their marriage and almost half come to therapy because of it.

However, Polyamorous persons do not jump from person to person. Guys in an open relationship do that. Guys who believe in polyamory look for intimacy first --although sex is a human need like eating, sleeping, breathing, defecating, and urinating, Physical intimacy may be sexual, but its purpose is not sex -- it is an expression of intimacy and one way to fulfill the human need for intimacy. I say this a lot -- There are at least four types of intimacy -- social, emotional, cognitive, and physical as well as possibly psychic and spiritual. It is those intimacies that polyamorous people look for. If physical intimacy happens, it is not necessarily sexual -- a cuddle, holding each other, massage exchange or, of course, it  could be sexual. As you know, orgasm when there is mutual caring is one of the greatest moments of happiness in a man's life. 

I do love touch, especially since I am Italian. The part of intimacy that I get the highest level of fulfillment from is lying in bed with another man nude, with mutual hugging, rubbing each other's entire bodies, and kissing gently or passionately. I love the feeling of the warmth of the body and soul of the other man who craves and needs to share male to male intimacy. Orgasm is nice, but for me, pales in comparison to the glow of warm, loving body contact, often called cuddling.

At my age, I feel that life is short, so many man to share intimacy with, and I am on the downside of life. My only regret is that I did not understand Agape and Polyamory all my life.

Now you know a bit more about my thinking -- to me intimacy can range from close platonic friendship, to non-sexual cuddle friends, to therapeutic massage friends, to erotic/sensual touch friends, to a love making polyamory intimate -- but with men who are sharing intimacy and these behaviours are a manifestation of that intimacy.


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